
How to use SciberMonkey
The SciberMonkey homepage shows icon links to areas for pupils (shown as Ages 5-7, 7-11 and 11-14) and a teacher's page. Choosing a specific age group will give a list of science themes and subsequently topic areas within that main theme. A selection of websites, relating to the chosen topic can then be accessed and refined as required.

Pupil’s page
Pupils should access either Ages 5-7, 7-11 or 11-14 using the relevant icon and arrive at their science themes.
After picking a theme pupils will then see a choice of topic areas. By hovering the mouse over a theme or topic, pupils can see a summary of what they might find in that area.
Click on a topic to access a list of the ‘top pick’ websites linked to that area. At this point pupils can either:
  1. Click on the weblink and visit the featured website
  2. By clicking the ‘more’ button pupils can access a longer list of resources. Those resources that have been selected as ‘top pick’ resources will appear at the top of the list.
  3. Refine their search using the keywords option on the right hand side of the screen. Pupils can tick one or more keywords and click the ‘refine’ button. The list of resources will then be linked to these keywords only. By clicking the ‘more’ button pupils can access a longer list of resources. Websites that have been selected as ‘top pick’ resources will appear at the top of the list.
  4. By clicking on the ‘Fun’ button pupils can access a list of websites that include games, quizzes or other interactive activities related to the chosen topic. To return to the ‘top pick’ list, pupils should click on the topic name on the navigation bar near the top of the page. To view all resources pupils should click on the ‘more sites’ button at the bottom of the list.

Teacher’s page
Teachers should click on the homepage teacher’s icon.
The teacher's page uses simple scroll tables.
To display science websites and supporting information selected by SciberMonkey choose any combination from Age, Theme or Topic scroll tables and click 'Go':
(Example: To view all websites for the 7-11 age group relating to Change of state, choose the options Age: 7-11, Theme: Materials and changes, Topic: Changing state and then 'Go')
The teacher's results page contains the same resources as the pupil’s pages, plus additional ‘teacher only’ resources that provide extra scope for planning lessons.
On viewing the list of chosen resources, the right hand box gives the opportunity to fine-tune the resource list:
  • The default setting lists both teacher and pupil resources, however to view teacher only resources, select ‘Teacher resources’.
  • Teachers can further refine a search by selecting one or more keywords followed by clicking the ‘refine’ button.
  • In order to view the type of resource, teachers should tick the box marked ‘Show resource type’. Small icons will then appear next to the resource. A key to these icons can be found by hovering the mouse over the word ‘Key’ next to the ‘Show resource type’ button.
For a 'hand out' version of the information, and to display all results for your selection clearly, click the 'Print' icon on the results page. Alternatively, the information can be downloaded in spreadsheet format by clicking the ‘download spreadsheet’ icon.
Teachers can 'print' off all details, including websites, content and summary of resource, for any combination of each Age, Theme or specific Topic.

Future developments...
SciberMonkey is under continuous development and new resources are always welcome. If you know of a website that should be included on this site, and is not present, then please submit the resource on the feedback form. It will be reviewed by our Education Consultants and included on the site if possible.
If you have any other comments about the SciberMonkey website, then we would also like to receive these. Again, please submit these via the feedback form.