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Food chains revision (Bitesize)
Bitesize revision on food chains. Includes information, activities and a short tests.

Food chains game
Spot the creatures then sort them by who eats what. When you finish the activity, scroll down the page to find more information to read and to take a quiz.

Interdependence and adaptation
Find organisms living in the habitat. Build a food chain using the organisms. Sort the animals by answering questions about how they differ.

Humans and animal habitats
Play the habitats game to find out which animals are suited to the habitats shown.

An animated site to find out about ecosystems and the impact human activities.

Fun with food webs
Can you place the organisms into their correct positions in the food webs?

Nature world: habitats and ecosystems
Try the quiz and read about two animals and how they relate to their environment.

Chain reaction
Living things need energy. Follow the energy from the Sun to build two food chains.

Population growth
Change the amount of water and food and the temperature to see the effect on the populations.

An underwater ecosystem adventure
An interactive activity in which you can find out about four underwater ecosytems in Florida.

Interdependence: energy transfer
Find out about energy transfer in a food web.

Sand lizard
Keep the Sand Lizard alive for a day. Remember it needs energy from the Sun as well as food.

BBC Big Bang: sampling techniques
You can investigate whether the way cows stand in a field is connected to the magnetic field.

OPAL - Open Air Laboratories
In Kids Zone you can try lots of different activities and quizes about different plants and animals. You can join in national surveys of where earthworms, bugs and trees are found, when they flower or first appear each year.

Population growth
Change the conditions to see how that affects the population of rabbits in an area, or of micro-organisms in a petri-dish.

I'm a worm - get me out of here
Find out how colour affects a creature's chance of survival.

Human and animal habitats
Games about animals and different habitats for you to try.

Virtual pond dip
Try this virtual pond dip to find out about the organisms found in real ponds. Click the mouse over each organism to display its factfile

The virtual rocky shore
A virtual rocky shore to explore. Click on different areas of the shore to see what organisms live there.

Food chains and food webs: fitting algae into the food web
Good information on food chains and food webs. There is also a 'drag and drop' activity to check your knowledge.

Minibeasts factsheet
Ask before you print. Can you find any of these in your garden?

The transfer of energy in a food chain
Information on energy transfer through a food chain.

Food chains and food cycles
The first two pages give well-presented information, with a good animation, on energy transfer in food chains.

Guide to the mangroves of Singapore
Extensive information on the Singapore mangrove ecosystem and the factors that affect it.

Food chains as an example of a system
Find out what happens to energy as you go down the food chain.

Food chains and webs
Single clear page on food chains and webs. There is a linked activity in which you can make you own food web.

Naked scientists
Podcasts, articles, interviews, answers to your questions on a wide variety of topics.

Introduction to fungi
Use these pages to research fungi

Changes in the environment
How are humans making an impact on their environment? There's a short quiz to try.

Food chains movie
Movie on food chains, food webs and pyramids. There is a gap-fill exercise to try at the end of the movie.

A deciduous forest energy pyramid
Notes on how energy is transferred between organisms in a deciduous forest. Illustrated with an energy pyramid and links to a page showing the forest food web.

Information on how decomposers help to make compost. Follow the link to the excellent web pages on 'Herman the worm'.

What is a decomposer?
Find out all about decomposers and their role in ecosystems.

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