all picks
A pack of lesson plans that can be downloaded, together with video clips from the BBC children's science show that are linked to each lesson. The pack has worksheets and suggested activities for KS3 and 4.
A short video clip that demonstrates the crystallization of sodium ethanoate (exothermic) and the reaction of barium hydroxide with ammonium chloride (endothermic). An explanation of the energy changes is then given.
Excellent, clearly presented revision material on compounds, mixtures and separating from BBC bitesize. There is also a good multiple choice quiz.
This practical activity models the extraction of copper from malachite, which is a copper ore consisting of copper(II) carbonate. In the school laboratory, copper is extracted from copper(II) carbonate by first heating to form copper(II) oxide and then reducing to produce the metal. Teacher notes, apparatus list, student guidance and safety points are included.
Explanation about chemical reactions and balancing equations with some quizes.
A guide on how some metals are extracted from their ores, with links to pages on some common metals. Uses symbol equations.
Gives information on writing word and balancing simple symbol equations.
Gives background information on different types of chemical reactions. Too technical for pupils.
A simple guide to different types of chemical reaction.
A fun activity in which pupils learn to write balanced symbol equations.
Animations showing different electrolysis reactions and testing the products.
Pages introducing chemical reactions and rates of reaction from Chem4Kids. Also pages on catalysts. Quiz at the end of each page.
Gives an overview of the difference between a chemical and a physical change.