all picks
Click the links on the left to find out about fertilization and growing in the womb
Interactive puberty demo. Facts and features from the BBC. Breasts, Erections, Growth spurt, Boys' growth, Girls' growth, Hair and Sweat, Periods, Sexual changes, Sleep, Spots, Voice breaking. Please check suitability before directing your pupils here.
Bitesize revision of the unit leading to a self test.
A quiz on human reproduction.
A range of activities related to puberty and reproduction.
NOVA producer Sarah Holt tells how surprised she was to learn that there are 18 ways to make a baby. Please check suitability before using with your class.
In this interactive feature, explore the past, present, and future of your fertility as you may never have explored it before. Please review this site before directing your pupils to it.
An interactive timeline to show what happens week by week in the uterus with nice photos of a developing fetus. Please check suitability before directing your pupils here.
Nice detail of the menstrual cycle for the more able. Please check suitability before directing your pupils here.
An detailed comparison of barrier and chemical contraception written for teen-agers
An interactive that breaks IVF into 7 steps. Each interactive has a text description and an animation that illustrates the related anatomy and procedures.
Frank US teen magazine dedicated to sex education. Preview before showing to your class
Lots of info/advice aimed at new mums and mums to be, with a particularly useful glossary. Please check suitability before directing your pupils here.
A fun activity looking at the effect of various lifestyle choices on sperm activity. You will need to register with ASE's UPD8 scheme (fast and free) to download this resource.