top picks
Atomic structure activity (BBC Bitesize)
Watch the animation and have a go at the interactive activities when they appear on screen.

Periodic table activity (BBC Bitesize)
Watch the animation and have a go at the interactive sections.

Ionic bonding activity (BBC Bitesize)
Watch the animation on ionic bonding to recap the key points.

Covalent bonding animation (BBC Bitesize)
Watch the cartoon on covalent bonding and find out how to draw dot-cross diagrams.

Transition metals cartoon (BBC Bitesize)
Watch the cartoon about transition metals.and have a go at the quiz at the end.

Periodic table of videos (Nottingham University)
Click on an element to watch an interesting video about it!

Periodic table (s-cool)
Follow the links to concise revision notes on the periodic table, then have a go at the multiple choice questions and exam style questions.

Atomic structure (s-cool)
Follow the links to concise revision notes on the atomic structure, then have a go at the multiple choice questions and exam style questions.

Chemical bonding (s-cool)
Follow the links to concise revision notes on chemical bonding, then have a go at the multiple choice questions and exam style questions.

Ionic bonding (SCool)
Read the text and watch the animations to help you to understanding what happens when metals and non-metals form ionic bonds.

Covalent bonding (SCool)
Read the text and watch the animations to learn how non-metal atoms form covalent bonds.

Noble gases and halogens (S-cool)
Read through the summary of the noble gases to explain why they are unreactive. Then read through the description of the properties and reactivity of the halogens.

Gridlocks (RSC)
Choose the topic you want from the list on the left. There is a video explaining how to play Gridlocks if you need it.

Periodic table game (ABPI)
Follow the instructions for this game which will test your understanding of the properties of different elements and their locations in the periodic table.

Atoms and the periodic table - RI Christmas Lecture
Watch this video to check your understanding of the link between atomic structure and the periodic table.

YouTube - Ri Christmas Lectures 2012
Watch some of these video clips to see some amazing chemical reactions, based on the elements and how they react.

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