top picks
Newton's Laws from The Physics Classroom
Read through each section and then check your understanding by doing the questions at the end. Then check out the animations in the Multimedia Studios on the site for more help.

Galileo's experiments interactive
Predict what will happen in the experiments that Galileo did on dropping objects, projectiles and inclined planes.

Weight, mass, work and power (BBC Bitesize)
Read all about weight, mass, work and power. Then do the test!

Resultant forces and terminal velocity activity (BBC Bitesize)
Watch the animation on types of forces, resultant forces and their effects, including terminal velocity and F=ma. then do the quiz!

Gigantic balloon experiment
Watch the video that shows that the air inside the balloon has mass.

Amazing bouncing balls experiment
Drop two balls and see what happens! Then read the explanation of the physics of it.

Moon olympics!
What would it be like to play sports on the Moon?

Speed and acceleration for a brave skater (PhysLab)
This animation shows a brave rocket-powered skater on very smooth ice in a vacuum! You can fire the rockets forwards or backwards and give the skater a constant acceleration. The experiments are to send the skater on a journey and obtain matching sets of distance/time speed/time and acceleration/time graphs for the motion.You can also experiment with terminal velocity by introducing air resistance.

Stretchy sweets (Practical Physics)
How to do an experiment to show what happens when you try to stretch sweets.

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