top picks
Momentum activity (BBC Bitesize)
Watch the animation on momentum and how it applies to situations.

Crumple Zones (BBC Bitesize)
Read all about momentum and its link to force and car safety. Then try the test!

Momentum (BBC Bitesize)
Read all about momentum and how to do calculations involving conservation of momentum. Then try the activity and do the test!

Gigantic balloon experiment
Watch the video that shows that the air inside the balloon has mass.

Amazing bouncing balls experiment
Drop two balls and see what happens! Then read the explanation of the physics of it.

Moon olympics!
What would it be like to play sports on the Moon?

Conservation of momentum animation
Vary the mass, velocity and type of collision and look at whether momentum and kinetic energy are conserved.

Bump! Momentum animation (PhysLab)
Two skaters on frictionless ice can be made to collide at different speeds. They can also be given different masses to carry. Velocity, momentum and kinetic energy are calculated before and after each collision.

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