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A' Double Crossed' cross curricular activity combining Science and History In this activity, students take on the role of Time Raiders. They evaluate evidence from a recently discovered mummy to work out how it lived and how it died. Through so doing, they learn about the function of its preserved organs.Good for team work, development of arguments, the questioning of evidence, and the application of thinking.

Set of handouts and activities on a number of Primary topics: Light; Moving & Growing; Variation; Magnets & Springs; Earth, Sun & Moon; States; Materials; Teeth; Healthy Eating; Food Chains; Minibeasts; Life Cycles; Habitats. Well animated student activities that would work very well in interactive white boards. Scroll down for the activity. Requires Flash.

Label the skeletons of the human, fish and horse

Clear information about heart and pulse to read and an interactive game including an animated heart to show effects of exercise. Quiz available

Clear diagrams to show stages in the human life cycle and an interactive game with printable certificate. Quiz available

Revision information on skeletons, muscles and joints. Includes an interactive activity and a quiz.

An interactive site of fun activities that helps pupils to identify bones in the human skeleton, their functions and how they work together. It also covers energy for movement. Also contains worksheets.

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