top picks
A pack of lesson plans that can be downloaded, together with video clips from the BBC children's science show that are linked to each lesson. The pack has worksheets and suggested activities for KS3 and 4.
An online lesson plan, supported by video clips, which shows you how to set up a forensic crime scene investigation.
A comprehensive summary of different methods used to separate mixtures.
A flash-based activity in which pupils can try to dissolve various substances in water. There is a linked quiz.
Excellent, clearly presented revision material on compounds, mixtures and separating from BBC bitesize. There is also a good multiple choice quiz.
A sequence of ten animated cartoons explaining the properties of solids, liquids and gases, along with changes of state and dissolving.
An interactive game that could be played in pairs or small groups, or on an interactive whiteboard.
An interactive game based on key words that could be played in pairs or small groups, or on an interactive whiteboard.